Healthy Eating

It is beneficial to care for our physical bodies! There can be great spiritual growth in the discipline of health-minded eating, and sensible exercise. Here are four tips I have used over the years which have helped me to maintain a trim and healthy body throughout and following three pregnancies, continuing child rearing, and generally growing older.

1. Think "nourishing"... if it has natural vitamins in it, if it was once alive and growing, ie. fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes, and lean meats then go for it!

2. Avoid simple sugars... We all know that processed sugar is "bad for us" but, "How bad?" we simply wink at. The truth is that simple sugars not only have long term affects, like diabetes, but also have short term affects, like a sugar rush, and then a crash into low energy and grouchiness. A middle of the road affect is that it creates a breeding environment for candida, a yeast which grows in the intestine, and causes those short term affects to linger, while stimulating a craving for more simple carbohydrates, to feed the yeast... yuk!
( A simple remedy is to add grapefruit seed extract pills to your vitamin regimen. It kills the candida. Be careful though. Grapefruit seed extract is a powerful thing, it can make antibiotics you are taking more potent. As with any supplement, consult your doctor before trying anything new. I am not a doctor or health-care professional, just a smart mom who does her research!)
3. Get your eight glasses of water a day... Some might argue that nothing is as beneficial to a human's physical well-being than staying well-hydrated! Science says that we are composed mostly of water, and that one can live much longer lacking food, than lacking water. It's true, and beyond that, water flushes toxins from our system, keeping our complexions looking youthful and radiant, aids in digestion, and the list goes on...
I've found that if I drink only water when any drink is offered to me, I can keep my weight down by ten pounds. Also, staying well hydrated seems to stave off hunger and cravings for unhealthy foods.
4. Moderation... As with most things in life, I've found that moderation is the key to a successful diet. I "never say never", meaning, I prefer to eat a certain way, but I choose my words carefully. I might say, "I rarely eat red meat." (no pun intended!) or, "I try to drink only water." I give myself a lot of grace, but more than that, I try to be gracious to others.
I think it is more important to be respectful to those I am eating with, especially if I am a guest, than to religiously stick to a code of eating. I will eat what is set before me, and be kind and thankful, as much as I am able.


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